Why can't I use some commands on my server

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Trucker Gigi

Just some guy
Feb 22, 2019
So i've launched a inet server and Im using the default commands. I noticed that i cant use commands like !owner;!move;!website. They simply don't output anything. I have filled in the parts, but they're not useabel. I've put the script down below.
## This is the config file for 1 server.
## See this page for setup: https://docs.rigsofrods.org/gameplay/multiplayer-server-setup/

## Amount of slots that clients can connect to
slots = 6

## Server name. Spaces are allowed
name = Trucker_Gigis_Server_(RP)

## Terrain to use. any lets the user select one
## Example values: any, smallisland, island, aspen, nhelens, ...
terrain = any

## Port that the webserver will listen on. default it game port + 100
# webserverport = 50359

## The server password. Remove/comment this line for public servers
password =

## The IP the server will listen on, by default: any
# ip =

## Port the server will listen on, by default random port
## Make sure to forward the port in your router settings
port = 50259

## Server mode. either inet or lan
## INET will advertise your server on the server list, while LAN does not.
## LAN mode will still allow anyone to connect as long they know the IP and port.
## If no mode is specified RoR will try to register on the server list but will fall back to LAN mode if it fails.
#mode = inet

## The maximum amount of vehicles a player is allowed to have
## Vehicles, i.e. loads, trailers, planes, cars, trucks, boats, etc.
## Syntax: vehicles = <number greater than 0>
vehiclelimit = 10

## The location of the message of the day file
## Syntax: motdfile = <path-to-file>
motdfile = ./config/server.motd

## The location of the authorizations file
## Syntax: authfile = <path-to-file>
authfile = ./config/server.auth

## The location of the rules file for this server
## Syntax: rulesfile = <path-to-file>
rulesfile = ./config/server.rules

## The location of the blacklist (bans) file for this server
## Syntax: blacklistfile = <path-to-file>
blacklistfile = ./config/server.blacklist

## The owner of this server. This can be you, your organization or anything else. Shown by typing !owner
## syntax: owner = <name|organisation>
# owner = TruckerGigi

## The official website of this server. Shown by typing !website
## syntax: website = <URL>
# website = https://gigi-server.netlify.app/

## The IRC (Internet Relay Chat) url, port and channel for this server. Shown by typing !irc
## Warning: Do not use #. That will not work.
## syntax: irc = <your IRC info>
# irc =

## The VoIP info for this server (e.g. Discord, TeamSpeak, etc). Shown by typing !voip
## syntax: voip = <your VoIP info>
# voip =

## if we want to print the player table in the log
# printstats = n

## if we want to run the server in the foreground. Recommended for Linux users
foreground = n

## Verbosity of the displayed LOG in foreground mode. 0 = highest, 5 = lowest. Only used when foreground=y
verbosity = 1

## Verbosity of the server file LOG. 0 = highest, 5 = lowest
logverbosity = 1

## reource directory, normally set via cmdline by the init script.
resdir = ./resources/

## filename for the log, usually this is set by the init script
logfilename = ./logs/server.log
You need to uncomment those lines by removing the hashtag, otherwise they won't be read.
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