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  1. AnotherFoxGuy

    Linux Version outdated

    The new release for Linux is now available on the store page
  2. AnotherFoxGuy

    Solved the game does not start.
  3. AnotherFoxGuy


    AnotherFoxGuy submitted a new resource: OgreMeshy - OgreMeshy is a tool to view mesh files Read more about this resource...
  4. AnotherFoxGuy

    OgreMeshy 1.11

    Note: Included with RoR version 2020.01+ OgreMeshy is a simple, powerful, easy to use mesh viewer for OGRE 3D mesh format. Features skeleton view, animation preview, detailed mesh information, dockable windows, and more This is a fork of the original version created by dark_sylinc This version...
  5. AnotherFoxGuy

    Rigs of Rods Won't Start on Windows 10 - Complied from Source

    This issue should be fixed with this PR:
  6. AnotherFoxGuy

    Rigs of Rods Won't Start on Windows 10 - Complied from Source

    The issue should be fixed with this PR:
  7. AnotherFoxGuy

    Solved How do you change the time of day?
  8. AnotherFoxGuy

    Solved how do i get this game to work on a raspberry pi

    You can run RoR on a Raspberry Pi, we even have build scripts for it: The only issue with it is it corrupts the filesystem on shutdown
  9. AnotherFoxGuy

    Solved How to download 4.8.0

    You need to manually download and install the Redistributable for VS2017: Normally itch would install this for you
  10. AnotherFoxGuy

    [Test build] Version 0.4.8 RC4

    Hello everyone, and welcome to the 4th round of the 0.4.8 release candidates! This RC has been focused on fixing and improving multiplayer Changes since RC3: 🔧 Auto-scale reflection textures 🎮 Resurrected the race results submission 🔧 More beautiful (and coloured) netlabels: 🐛 Fixed the...
  11. AnotherFoxGuy

    [Test build] Version 0.4.8 RC3

    Could you post your RoR.log?
  12. AnotherFoxGuy

    [Test build] Version 0.4.8 RC3

    Hello everyone, and welcome to round 3 of the 0.4.8 release candidates! This build adds some new features and fixes some crashes that occurred in RC2 Changes since RC2: Basic savegame functionality (with quick- & autosave) One autosave slot (allows you to resume the previous session from...
  13. AnotherFoxGuy

    [Test build] Version 0.4.8 RC2

    Hello everyone, and welcome to round 2 of the 0.4.8 release candidates! This build fixes some crashes that occurred in RC1 and adds some new features Changes since RC1: Revived the top speed indicator Revived the max g-forces visualization Added a rotators debug view mode Revamped the static...
  14. AnotherFoxGuy

    [Test build] Version 0.4.8 RC1

    The Linux build is live now
  15. AnotherFoxGuy

    [Test build] Version 0.4.8 RC1

    Hello everyone Finally, more than 2 years after 0.4.7 was released, version 0.4.8 is almost ready! But first, we release this RC to see if everything is working as expected Some highlights in 0.4.8: Removed RoRConfig: All settings can now be changed inside RoR Submesh friction fix: Vehicles...
  16. AnotherFoxGuy

    RoR Development builds (For Windows and Linux!)

    If you want to test the latest changes to RoR without having to compile the game yourself, you can download a Development build. Download with the desktop app (Recommended) With the desktop app, the latest build will be automatically downloaded and installed Also, only the changed...