- Authors
- Derbymutt, Fradias, Pricorde
This is the revival mod for pricorde's Agora S. It is meshed, and much higher quality.
Modding Policy:
Modding and releasing any content for this bus on a mod of it or on another vehicle is permitted and encouraged as long as due credit is given.
Basically, Mod away and give credit.
- Derbymutt, 2013
- Pricorde - Original bus
- Derbymutt - Revival, meshes, re-texturing, n/b fixes and changes, shader stuff
- Fradias - Wheels & Tires
Modding Policy:
Modding and releasing any content for this bus on a mod of it or on another vehicle is permitted and encouraged as long as due credit is given.
Basically, Mod away and give credit.
- It is fully skinnable. If you do not like the plastic paneling on the bus, just comment out
from the flexbody section as well as theforset
line below them. - It is also deformable and flexbody.
- I have also used flexbodies for the tires, so that they work in multiplayer and still are deform-able and separate from the rim mesh.
- Derbymutt, 2013